Monday, December 14, 2009

Around Krabi

Today I spent a bit of time exploring the area around Krabi. Incidentally the Norweigan has gotten hold of a bike so is riding with me to Thap Put tomorrow, and perhaps beyond that for a few days. We did 26km's this afternoon just to visit a couple of beaches, and I found the heat managable. The sun is not nearly as intense as Australia, and I am getting used to the humidity. Unfortunately I'm having problems getting the pictures off my SD, so I won't be able to add any until I get to Bangkok which is some weeks away.


  1. Hi David,

    I find that the sun just about anywhere isn't as intense as ours is in Australia.

    Would love to see a map of your riding locations and/or some photos so far too!

    Michael (from Deakin)

  2. hi dave

    glad to hear things are going well! How did you manage to get seasick while snorkelling?

    i am looking forward to seeing some pics. How is the bike going so far - did jetstar take care of it on the flight?


    ps ed and ivy say hi. Ivy is now walking down the hallway with the help of her trolley!

  3. I have maps on the right nav bar - under blog menu.
    Nice to hear that about ivy, i look forward to seeing her again. Have a nice christmas, i just got to surat thani after some hot days on the bike. Im going to relax at Khao sok national park for a few days.

