Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Route Map Stage Two - Across Japan

In Japan, I will actually start riding in Fukuoka (not on map but NW of Miyazaki), and go south towards Kagoshima city. From here there are ferries that will carry you to the Ryukyu islands. I will be visiting the main one, Okinawa where I will stay with a host family that has accepted me through the wwoofing (willing workers on organic farms) program. Rather than ride back up the entire length of kyushu, I will catch a bus or train to Fukuoka and continue east through Hiroshima and Osaka to Susono City, (near Shizuoka) where I have arranged another farm stay.

Hopefully well rested at the place in Susono, I will go northwest, through Matsumoto, Hakuba, (these are alpine regions) Itoigawa and do a loop finishing in Tokyo from where I will fly home. This route is some 2500km and I hope to complete it in around 30 days of riding. Time and money permitting I may go further north to Hokkaido, and return to Tokyo by plane/bus.


  1. Good luck Dave. Hope everything is going ok and there is a lot of fun along with all those km you are pedaling

  2. Awesome photos Dave,Very Envious. Tim FISHER
