Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Krabi to Thap Put - 65km

The Norweigan decided against the whole riding thing, not that I had asked him to come, rather he said he had wanted to, but in the end he went to check out a few more beaches instead. The ride to Thap Put had some decent scenery, though most of it spoiled by powerlines and such so I didn't get any really good photos.  I was however impressed by how easy it was to find your way in Thailand; huge signs and always in english and thai. The other good thing about riding in Thailand is that the highways have a slow lane for bicycles and motorbikes off to the side (like a wider than normal shoulder) so I don't feel so worried about trucks plowing me down.

Much of the riding was through tropical forest, and there were karsk mountains around but difficult to photograph due to the forest. The road was mostly flat, I think I was going at about 25km/h for most of the day and I reached Thap Put early at about 2 in the afternoon.

There wasn't much going down but I managed to find a few locals drinking Singha. They were running a custom auto shop, as in the pimp my ride sort of deal. There was a younger guy who had a little english so he managed to translate my conversations to the others. I was eventually invited into the shop for a viewing of the owners extensive trophy collection. There were elaborate trophys and plaques from competitions he had won all across thailand. He selected his favourite trophy, from a win at the national championships for our photo.

After this the younger Thai guy showed me his personal ride, complete with an assaulting display of its immense stereo system. MC Hammer and Vanilla Ice were the only recognisable tunes, although I think he might have mellowed it a bit later with a dash of Bryan Adams. *cough*

All was going well until they started suggesting some local prostitues should join us, an offer I refused and thought I was understood, but sure enough 30 mins later a couple of girls rolled up in a pimped out isuzu ute (immensely popular in this part of the world) and at this stage I decided I had better get going for some dinner.

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